Panoramic View in a Glacial Ice TunnelHuge Gallery in a Limestone MineOre Carts next to a Collapsed RoofBow Arches in a Coal MineLimestone QuarryOre Cart Elevator in an Iron MineView inside of a Glacial Ice TunnelExplorers in a Slate Mine@Me in a Glacial Ice TunnelCarts Train in an Iron MineFire DiscClose-up Wall View from a Glacial Ice TunnelCrane in slate mineCattle Bones in a Slate MineBroken SheaveAbandoned Mushroom Farm in a Limestone MineArched View from @CodyChocolonely in a Limestone MineLake in slate mineUnderground Lake in a Limestone MineFlooded Dolomite MineMercedes Trailer used for Mushroom FarmingMassive Pillars in a Limestone Mine